Mad is a long dash like sign, which is placed over a letter. آ بٓ when
this sign is placed then the sound of the letter is extended for four counts (the time you take to count three to four)
Like آ =Aa+a+a
( Aaaa) and
= بَ Ba+a+a (Baaa)
Jazam is a sign placed over a letter to join it with the letter before it, and
that letter will be having a short vowel over it.
Examples of two letters,
joined together.
Like when ( jab ) جَبۡ =
Heart ( dil ) = دِلۡ
Listen (so-n
) = سُنۡ
Example of more than
two letters, joined together
Ap+na = Apna = Our = اَپۡنَا
A combination of letter
Alif with zabar and letter Noon with jazam
It sounds as Ap (like
in English up) second combination is letter Noon with zabar and Alif, which sound as Na … i.e Apna
Ap+na = Apna
Bak +Ri= Bakri = Goat = بَکۡرِی
A combination of letter
Bey with zabar and letter kaaf with jazam, it sounds as Bak, and second combination is letter Rey with zer and small ye, which
sounds as Ri.
Bak+Ri = Bakri
Joo + ta = Joota = shoe = جُوتَا
A combination of letter
Jeem with pesh and letter wao, it sounds as Joo, and second
combination is letter Tey with zabar and letter Alif. Which sounds as Ta
Joo + ta = Joota
Tashdeed is used to read a letter two times. First time it is treated as jazam, that is to join it with the letter
before it and then read the same letter with the sign what so over it.
Jan + nat = Paradise =
نَتۡ = جَنۡ +
Letter Noon has Tshdeed and Zabar, and first letter Jeem has Zabar and last letter has
Jazam. Letter Jeem with Zabar is joined to Noon, it gives a sound as Jan. Then the second letter Noon has a Zabar also and next letter is Tey with jazam. It gives a sound of nat.
+ nat = Jannat
We will do more exercise
on formation of words in the next lesson.